Monday, April 11, 2011


I've really been pleased with how my maniken has been turning out so far, and I think I'll be able to put some finishing touches on it after I finish the forearm muscles tonight, with hands and face to come soon. I definitely have to go back tonight and fix my tricep and bicep muscles that I made last week, because I definitely didn't make them big enough after looking at the example. That should be an easy fix though, hopefully, ha.

I plan on heading to the art building tonight to work on the forearm muscles, so I'll be able to add some pictures of my progress after I wrap those up, probably in my next post. I could definitely tell in our last pose that I struggled most with the hands and forearms, the only parts of the body we have yet to really cover, so that makes me feel very optimistic that I'm learning what I need to and that by the end of the semester I won't have much trouble with any part of the body. Hands always seem to be difficult to me though, so we'll see if I can improve enough on those to feel like I'm halfway decent at them. Fingers crossed.

It'll be nice to finally have a full week this week, and not have to miss any more Life Drawing classes for anything, at least that I know of. It's been tough to get back into the swing of things after taking 4 or 5 days off, and hopefully the extra practice this week will keep my skills sharp and carry me into the end of the semester.

Hope all our forearms look like these!


  1. I've really been struggling with the arm and hand muscles. They are so tiny and it's hard to figure out where they wrap around other muscles too. I'm also happy about our full week of class too!

  2. I've been drawing arms alot way before this class so I found them easy, i guess she just fix the minor things I need to work on.
