I definitely had a very relaxing Spring Break.....maybe too relaxing though, because now I just can't seem to get back into the swing of things. I had a great time going to Las Vegas for 4 days to start out my break last weekend, and then just relaxed the rest of the week. I did start one painting at home, that I will hopefully be able to finish in my spare time before the end of the year. I also made a much needed trip to Buffalo Wild Wings.....the best. Overall, definitely a very refreshing break, and now I'm ready to get back to work.
I definitely am ready to start learning more about the foot and how to incorporate them into my drawings. Just by adding the feet in an anatomically correct manner will add so many more levels of believability to my drawings that I have been lacking up to this point. I still have to practice quite a bit, since I left early last Thursday. Hopefully I can catch on quickly.
In one of my other classes, Digital Narrative 2, we've been designing characters. Learning the anatomy of the human body helped me tremendously when trying to draw my character from different angles and in different poses. Now, we are attempting to animate these characters. Although its a ton of work, it's really rewarding to see my character start to walk and talk (even though its still pretty rough at this point). I really believe that Life Drawing has made this project so much easier for me, just by being able to imagine my character walking and moving in real life.
Here's a pic of my character, with a background of storm clouds behind him (evil)
Well, hopefully you guys all had a great Spring Break as well, and I'll see you Tuesday to draw some feet! haha.